Skyscraper Showcase – Madison Centre

02/07/2018 Chelsea Slocum 0

Have you checked out the new Madison Centre building in downtown Seattle, WA? The interior, exterior, layout, and tenant amenities are nothing short of amazing. Originally planned during the 2000s, this project was put on hold during the recession, then revived by Schnitzer West in 2012. Demolition of the pre-existing […]

2017 Holiday Letter

12/28/2017 Chelsea Slocum 0

  Dear Customers, Atlas is the last independent telecom company in Seattle and when compared to our national rivals, we’re certainly the underdog… but we love our renegade status! We’re a company of 25 hardworking, technology loving, gigabit crazy, customer-centric, geeky (well most of us) people that pour our hearts […]

Boots on the Ground in Suncadia Resort

11/08/2017 Chelsea Slocum 0

Extensive Fiber Installation Complete! This Fall, our awesome team of Atlas Networks Field Technicians traveled on-site to the Suncadia Resort for a major infrastructure upgrade. This large-scale fiber installation went off without a hitch and the work they accomplished is pretty impressive! Together, they pulled 40,510 feet of fiber (7 […]

Staff Summer Boat Trip

08/19/2017 Andrea Brado 0

Thank you Ryan, Katt, and Marmot Maloney for hosting the annual staff BBQ and cruise on the Branwyn! It was a beautiful day floating around Puget Sound. Complete with David capturing amazing drone footage of the trip. Check out the video he made: .